Our week long cruises generally head to the lovely island of Guernsey and few can fail to be seduced by the relaxed pace of life of this unique place. The French and British have long bickered over who owns the Channel Islands and although the British ultimately prevailed, there is an indefinable French influence. This is nowhere more evident than in the exquisite cuisine available at many of the restaurants. Wander through the narrow streets and breathe in the unique ambience of this place, or head out along the breakwater to Castle Cornet, part of the island’s extensive fortifications. Whatever you do, be sure to retire to one of the many waterfront eateries and bars for the evening, sit back and chill with a glass of Chablis.
Other nearby attractions include the equally charming Island of Sark, which offers many miles of the most spectacular walking imaginable, with miles of rugged coastline to enjoy and marvel at, while the huge tides which race past the Channel Islands mean that at low water there are literally miles of golden sands to explore and enjoy. These islands are also a nature lovers delight. At the end of a week of exploring these delightful islands, there is still the exhilarating pleasure of a fast run back to the Solent, running before the south west winds and laughing swells of the Channel. A week sailing the Channel Islands is more than just a treat, it’s a revelation and you will arrive back promising that it will not be long before you return to these exotic foreign islands that sit overlooked on our own doorstep.