Ramsgate Week

Date: July 17, 2022

Course: Ramsgate

Category: Inshore


Ramsgate week is a popular regatta which not only celebrates the joy of racing but also offers an excellent range of entertainments every evening. The regatta has a friendly unpretentious feel that has made it an ideal alternative for those who find the glitz, glamour and hubris of Cowes Week a bit overwhelming. Hosted by the Royal Temple Yacht Club and based in the Kentish town of Ramsgate, this is a very friendly personable regatta with a close knit feel which means that by the end of a week of fun and entertainments, most of the participants will be on first name terms. Despite this, the event continues to grow and expand and there is a real buzz around the town once the regatta has kicked off, with a fine selection of evening entertainments in addition to workshops and the like during the day.

The event aims to accommodate both serious racers and also those who are after a more laid back bit of competition. To this end, there are three IRC classes and also three cruising classes where white sails only are allowed. In addition to a number of short inshore tussles, there are also some longer races such as the Ramsgate to Harwich race and the week concludes with the opportunity for competitors to make the trip over to Holland by competing in the Ramsgate to Breskens race.

The laid back and friendly atmosphere is underlined by the welcoming stance of the Royal Temple Yacht Club and competitors are invited to a buffet breakfast at the club every morning, while evening dinners and entertainments ensure that this is a great way to socialise post racing


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